Podcasts by Alex Haddox, M.Ed.

The Practical Defense Podcast and Security Professionals Podcast appear regularly in the iTunes Top 10 list (Education/Training category).


Practical Defense Podcast Practical Defense Podcast
by Alex Haddox

A practical approach to staying safe in our increasingly dangerous urban environments. Learn simple strategies and everyday habits from Alex Haddox that will help protect you and your loved ones from harm. Hear interviews with experts on the criminal mind and listen to stories directly from real victims. When you understand what a criminal looks for in a target, you can avoid taking on those characteristics and thus escape selection.






Security Professionals Podcast Security Professionals Podcast
by Alex Haddox

With host Alex Haddox, the Security Professionals Podcast is your weekly source of news, tips and education for the security specialist. Every security professional has a duty to train and keep up with the latest news, techniques and strategies to combat threats aimed at the people and places we are hired to protect. This show is a critical part of any continuing education program.